White Space (El Blanco's Archive)

-=[ ....Singular Expand.... ]
  [ Date : 3/15/1998
  [ Original Format : Impulse Tracker
  [ Produced for : KOMBO
  [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ]
               [x]   [x]   [-]
  [ Info : All : Text : Sample : Instr ]
           [x]   [x]     [x]     [x]

+[Message]===-- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- -  -  --  -   - -- -  --- -  -  --      -   ----  +

......o.o.oo.oo.ooo.ooo.oooo. Singular Expand .oooo.ooo.ooo.oo.oo.o.o.....
                                El Blanco


    A fella named jrb dcc'd me a great song. I was so inspired with it
that I used many of the samples to write a rough draft of this song. I
went through then and replaced about 60% of them with some samples I had
and then rewrote major parts of the song. So here it is. Singular Expand.

Big greetz tah Cardiac for some good advice on this song
KOMBO (this is my second release under them)
3STF (Keep a look out for my win95/mikit music disk coming out in Jan.)

and not so big but no less significant greetz to
Schm0, C0rpse, Necros, Mellow-d, Darkwolf, Lummy, Darkmoon, "system" <G>,
Behemoth, Lord Bannor, Elijah, K-tee-k, Siren, Sirrus #trax and whoever
else I keep forgetting. :)

El Blanco '98

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