White Space (El Blanco's Archive):Terraformer:Aneme

<-- About the Song Somehow, I got it in my head to make a demo myself (seeing as the Terraformer coding teams wasn't actually completing anything themselves). So I set out to write a demo in the only language I knew at the time, QBasic. Sad I know, but that's all they taught in public school :( I actually did complete the demo but never released it as far as I can remember due to some ..err.. linking issues between the "code" and the music. Anyways here are the two versions I made. The .s3m version is actually the original and the .it version somehow showed up as well. Versions Aneme - s3m version Aneme - it version

untergrund.net - Free hosting for the demoscene
All works, stuff etc (c) Mark Sanders 1992-2005 elblanco at untergrund dot net