White Space (El Blanco's Archive):Terraformer:The Land

<-- One of the great things about belonging to Terraformer was that I was encouraged to release. Seeing as we didn't have a great deal of other productions coming out, it was the group's way of getting our name out. This included everything from single releases to music disks. Sometime in 1994, I became interested in writing more...acoustic style tunes. Eventually I collected them and was going to release them as a zip file. Kiwidog (TF/Hornet) mentioned that Future Crew had a great "do it yourself" music disk kit and it would make the release look better. So I threw something together and here it is. I've put up all the songs separately but I've also included the original zip file as it would have been released. Beware that the old DOS based music disk software seems to be "angry" with modern win32 OSs so it's really just included for completeness. All of the individual song sections have an mp3 for easy playback. Original Disk The Land Songs The Ancient The Lesson of the Flame.... The Night Tree Firstmark Graenatl's Masterpeice The End of Time

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All works, stuff etc (c) Mark Sanders 1992-2005 elblanco at untergrund dot net