White Space (El Blanco's Archive)

-=[   The Night Tree ]
  [ Disk Name : The Land
  [ Date : 9/20/1995
  [ Original Format : Scream Tracker III
  [ Produced for : Terraformer
  [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ]
               [x]   [x]   [-]
  [ Info ]

+[Disk Comments] -- - - -- - - - ---+

The Night Tree
Channels used : 16
Ok, so this song kinda sucks, but I think all the
samples are my own. (Ok, so they're ripped from
the Microsoft Musical Instruments CD and they have
*really* neeto clicks all through them).

+-- - - --- - - - --- - - -- - -- - - -- - +

+[Samples]=== -- - --- - +

The Land:The Night Tree
approx:2:45min....\ /
Lord Blanka
the Black
Terraformer Productions.

greetz and creditz....
the two drum samples are
not mine and are ripped
from two different sources
(I think Basehead and
Heilien but I'm not sure)
Ryan Cramer, madmax, Bannor
me , Necros, #trax,
#coders, the MC3
contestants, Terraformer
and whoever else....

Did this in about 2.5hrs
This is the 4th official
"The Land" release....
It was originally supposed
to have some vocals (I was
going to try to sing some
chants or whatnot) but
because I have lost most of
my voice I'm afraid that
idea never surfaced <G>.

Anyways almost all the
samples except for the
afformentioned drums are
from the Microsoft Musical
Instruments CD...it's only
$30 US and has inst to rip
galore! (Dunno if it's
legal though =] )

It's Sept 8 1995
1 day before the release of
the SONY Playstation....
1 day before I get my hands
on a copy of TOSHINDEN

God I'm tired....


+-- - --- - - -- - --- - +