White Space (El Blanco's Archive)

-=[ The 4 winds ]
  [ Disk Name : The 4 Winds
  [ Date : 12-9-1997
  [ Original Format : Impulse Tracker
  [ Produced for : No Group
  [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ]
               [x]   [x]   [-]
  [ Info : All : Text : Sample : Instr ]
           [x]   [x]     [x]     [x]

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The 4 Winds a Music Disk by El Blanco

The 4 Winds
From the East Wind Collection
by El Blanco
Mark Sanders

This originally was intended to be the main menu song for my music disk.
But for some reason I ended up not using it. Also I thought The Focus
Stone was more suited as a menu song. This was one of those songs that,
the more I worked on it the more I liked it. There are some imperfections
yet that I was never really able to satisfy myself with (even after many
many hourse of "toil" and refinement). For example the piano never seemed
quite in tune and I had a difficult time getting the drums to sound quite
The samples were mostly taken from a number of MC5 songs (the music
contests are a great place for sample collecting if you rip samples). The
proper song credits are the sample names so at least you can go and hear
the original songs that the samples are from.
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