<-- White Space (El Blanco's Archive) -=[ To Zak and Back ] [ Disk Name : The 4 Winds [ Date : 12-27-1997 [ Original Format : Impulse Tracker [ Produced for : No Group [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ] [x] [x] [-] [ Info : All : Text : Sample : Instr ] [x] [x] [x] [x] +[Message]===-- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- - - -- - - -- - --- - - -- - ---- + from The 4 Winds a Music Disk by El Blanco To Zak and Back from the Eastwind Collection 3:26 by El Blanco aka Mark Sanders A little old school demo music for those who like this sort of thing. This is one of the smallest songs I've released in a long time. Just wanted to make certain I could still track with just a few samples and channels :). Those of you with a decent sub should appreciate this song. This came about as well as I could have hoped for, but not as good as I would have liked. Uhm, inspiration from Wave/FM and Behemoth (for his dope sounding Frozen Lotus song thingy) and to all the nifty demo style music ever made! Any ways enough of this blabber on to the greetz! +- -- ----- -- -- - - --- - --- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- - - - - -- - ---- +