<-- White Space (El Blanco's Archive) -=[ Ether ] [ Disk Name : The 4 Winds [ Date : 10/27/1997 [ Original Format : Impulse Tracker [ Produced for : No Group [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ] [x] [x] [-] [ Info : All : Text : Sample : Instr ] [x] [x] [x] [x] +[Message]===-- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- - - -- - - -- - --- - - -- - ---- + from The 4 Winds by El Blanco Ether 4:28 from the Southwind Collection by El Blanco aka Mark Sanders This song was heavily influenced by Necros' Babylon demo. (It better be since almost all the samples are from the soundtrack). Nuff said. +- -- ----- -- -- - - --- - --- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- - - - - -- - ---- + +[Samples]=== -- - --- - + Bass Drum from Dust To Du nebular-pad.1 808CH.WAV 808OH.WAV 808.down 808.distloop Sinewave.Bass.487 800.resoefx.process ghoststrings.1 ghoststrings.2 dunes.filter.pad Ranged data from FT2 kettle.drum subt.flange.bass ensure once again my love 041.snd (no˙header) sf1 xstatic.loop.2 KorgX3.SweetOboe.Octave3 808H2.RAW drp.1 drp.2 TEX6B.RAW TEX6C.RAW TEX6D.RAW TEX6A.RAW efx1 1 2 3 4 Ether 4:28 from the Southwind collection by El Blanco shift f9 for info +-- - --- - - -- - --- - + +[Instruments]===--- - - + Bass Drum from Dust To Du nebular-pad.1 808CH.WAV 808OH.WAV 808.down 808.distloop Sinewave.Bass.487 800.resoefx.process ghoststrings.1 ghoststrings.2 dunes.filter.pad Ranged data from FT2 kettle.drum subt.flange.bass ensure once again my love 041.snd (no˙header) sf1 xstatic.loop.2 KorgX3.SweetOboe.Octave3 808H2.RAW drp.1 drp.2 TEX6B.RAW TEX6C.RAW TEX6D.RAW TEX6A.RAW efx1 1 2 3 4 +-- - --- - - -- - --- - +