<-- White Space (El Blanco's Archive) -=[ Heaven's Gate ] [ Disk Name : The 4 Winds [ Date : 2/22/1999 [ Original Format : Impulse Tracker [ Produced for : No Group [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ] [x] [x] [-] [ Info : All : Text : Sample : Instr ] [x] [x] [x] [x] +[Samples]=== -- - --- - + MYPAD3.WAV Hihat_8 - PM/FC MYHAT4.WAV MYCYMB2.WAV MYCYMB3.WAV ELWBDRM4.SMP Voice - "Heey!" SYNBASS2.WAV SYNBASS3.WAV SYNBASS4.WAV SYNBASS5.WAV SYNBASS6.WAV SYNBASS7.WAV SYNBASS8.WAV Voice - "All Together Now BRKBEAT1.WAV BRKBEAT2.WAV PAD1.WAV PAD2.WAV PAD3.WAV PAD4.WAV mono/poly.newbass.1 mono/poly.newbass.3 Eyuuu.SFX ELWRAV2.SMP Voice - "Right On!" DWVOX4.SMP DWTAMB.SMP DWBASS5.SMP DWBASS6.SMP DWBASS7.SMP DWBASS8.SMP DWEFX4.SMP DWEFX5.SMP DWEFX6.SMP DWBEAT1.SMP ELWCYM1.SMP ELWSINTP.SMP ELWBRP2.SMP ELWBRP3.SMP ELWBRP4.SMP ELWBRP5.SMP ELWBRP6.SMP ELWCLAP2.SMP DWBDRM.SMP DWSNR.SMP OBXA1.WAV BELLPAD3.WAV big The Communards. Heaven's Gate 8:20 from the Southwind Collection of the 4 Winds music disk by El Blanco shift f9 for info +-- - --- - - -- - --- - +