<-- White Space (El Blanco's Archive) -=[ Inheritance ] [ Date : 2/16/2001 [ Original Format : Impulse Tracker [ Produced for : Audic [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ] [x] [x] [-] [ Info : All : Text : Sample : Instr ] [x] [x] [x] [x] +[Message]===-- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- - - -- - - -- - --- - - -- - ---- + .... . .. ...... ...... . . . ... . . . o O Ooo O O O oo oo .. .. ....... Inheritance by [El Blanco] of :Audic: . ......... . .. . . ......... ... .... Oo oo o Oo O ooo o . .. .... .. I wanted to use some of Necros' old tribal sounding samples for some time.... I finally got the inspiration with this tune, plus I threw in a few tribal samps of my own: That's it: [:Greets:] Hanuel Audic CT #trax LB, LC and little B other crew members +- -- ----- -- -- - - --- - --- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- - - - - -- - ---- + +[Samples]=== -- - --- - + P6FAT.WAV HI_C_12D.WAV HI_C_12C.WAV HI_C_12A.WAV HI_C_12B.WAV DISO2.WAV SNAR_07L.WAV KICK_02D.WAV CRASH21I.WAV JUPITER.WAV KICK_02I.WAV SD1.WAV bh.hard.snare D4CYMB06.WAV D4CYMB08.WAV D4CYMB07.WAV BDNRM1.WAV BD2575.WAV HiStrings.HiQual(Marcato) scorpik.bass2 TRACK5A.WAV TRACK5B.WAV necros.chant.1.witchmd necros.chant.4.jeweoh necros.chant.3.ohh necros.chant.2.jewe . . .. .oo OO o Oo .... Inheritance by El Blanco of Audic about 5:02 . ... o o Oo OO o o.... +-- - --- - - -- - --- - + +[Instruments]===--- - - + 64-MID.WAV HI_C_06B.WAV HI_C_06C.WAV HI_C_06E.WAV HI_C_06C.WAV MBS_09.W09 SNAR_07L.WAV KICK_05H.WAV CRASH21I.WAV HiStrings.HiQual(Marcato) BDLNG3.WAV SNARELOW.WAV 110CLP.WAV D4CYMB06.WAV D4CYMB08.WAV D4CYMB07.WAV BDNRM1.WAV BD2575.WAV HiStrings.HiQual(Marcato) necros.bass TRACK5A.WAV TRACK5B.WAV necros.chant.1.witchmd necros.chant.4.jeweoh necros.chant.3.ohh necros.chant.2.jewe Inheritance El Blanco/Audic 5:02 +-- - --- - - -- - --- - +