White Space (El Blanco's Archive)

-=[ Trace Thoughts ]
  [ Date : 2/6/2001
  [ Original Format : Impulse Tracker
  [ Produced for : Audic
  [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ]
               [x]   [x]   [-]
  [ Info : All : Text : Sample : Instr ]
           [x]   [x]     [x]     [x]

+[Message]===-- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- -  -  --  -   - -- -  --- -  -  --      -   ----  +

                  ------- - ----   -- --------- - - -- --
---- - -- --- ---<      t r a c e  t h o u g h t s       > -- -- - ---- -
                  -- - -- -- --- -- ---------- - - - -- -
                              4 minutes
                                29 seconds
                       from the obfuscated mind of
                             El Blanco of the discipline
                      and style of Audic

                  a Little idea here and there from some aMon tObin, aPhex
Twin      and     a littLe bit of this and that..... sorry About the
ending I know its a liTtle bit short and piercing.... but Sometimes they
have to      be


Hanuel, Audic, CT, crew and the like

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