White Space (El Blanco's Archive)

-=[ Emery ]
  [ Disk Name : Intertribal
  [ Date : 1/14/2000
  [ Original Format : Impulse Tracker
  [ Produced for : Chaos Theory
  [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ]
               [x]   [-]   [-]
  [ Info : All : Text : Sample : Instr ]
           [x]   [x]     [x]     [x]

+[Message]===-- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- -  -  --  -   - -- -  --- -  -  --      -   ----  +

                              El Blanco
                             approx 5:18
                           for Intertribal
                            a music disk

    The little vocal samples are from an actual Speak and Spell. I can't
take credit for them however, I ripped 'em from a speak and spell
simulator I found on the net. I've forgotten who the author of that phat
little proggie was so if you see a s&s simulator around then credits go to
that fella.
        I tried to break the song up into 2 slightly different parts
(mainly to lengthen it and give it a bit of variety). So I decided on a
main section and an extended slow bridge bit (which uses the main melody
to help tie the sections together).

Greets: Mr. Stein // for doing all this great stuff for CT and the scene
                     in general.
        Mr. Guest // for not giving up on tr4x0ring even though you've not
                     released anything *yet*.
        Ms. Hampton // for dealing with Mr. Guest all the time.
        Mr. Bannor // Ya Baby! Ya!
        Mr. and Ms. #trax folx // for being cool and stuff
        Mr. and Ms. #sonique folx // for being some different cool and
                                     stuff people

low qual 8-bit version

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