<-- White Space (El Blanco's Archive) -=[ Tea Cup ] [ Disk Name : Intertribal [ Date : 12/12/1999 [ Original Format : Impulse Tracker [ Produced for : Chaos Theory [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ] [x] [x] [-] [ Info : All : Text : Sample : Instr ] [x] [x] [x] [x] +[Message]===-- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- - - -- - - -- - --- - - -- - ---- + +- -- ----- -- -- - - --- - --- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- - - - - -- - ---- + +[Samples]=== -- - --- - + guit FretlessBass D3 Cymbal Roll B3-2 Guitar E2 Guitar A2 Guitar D3 Guitar G3 Guitar B3 Guitar E4 Guitar G4 Guitar A#4 Guitar E5 Fender Strat C2 Fender Strat E2 Fender Strat G2 Fender Strat B2 Fender Strat D3 Fender Strat F3 Fender Strat G#3 Fender Strat B3 Fender Strat D4 Fender Strat F4 T24SN.WAV rimshot hh hho bd1 NEW KICK 6 hho2 chh crash PIANO G1 PIANO C2 PIANO F2 PIANO G+2 PIANO C3 PIANO F3 PIANO C+4 PIANO E4 PIANO F+4 PIANO A+4 PIANO F+5 PIANO B5 PIANO G6 Guitar B3 bawss necros.revcym +-- - --- - - -- - --- - + +[Instruments]===--- - - + guit bass hammond rev cym guit Fender snare rimshot hh hho bd bd1 hho chh crash the piano This is not where to go. El Blanco scorpik.guit.acoustic2 bawss necros.revcym +-- - --- - - -- - --- - +