White Space (El Blanco's Archive)

-=[ Plink (remix1) ]
  [ Date : 1/1/1994
  [ Original Format : Multitracker Module Editor
  [ Produced for : LBB Productions
  [ Download : Org : MP3 : Ogg ]
               [x]   [x]   [-]
  [ Info : All : Text : Sample ]
           [x]   [x]     [x]

+[Message]===-- -- -- --- - -- - - ---- -  -  --  -   - -- -  --- -  -  --      -   ----  +

This is I guess what you would call a 
remix of an old favorite .MOD of mine.
The origional .Mod had only the 
Harpsichord and was only 4 patterns
long. I added the rest of the junk.

Rip it if you want jus' give me da
credit for da work
Lord Blanka the Black

Greets go to Future Crew, Renaisance, 
Ultraforce, Skaven, C.C.Catch, 
Starscream, Tran and any others I might
have forgotten.

LBB Prod. 1994

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