White Space (El Blanco's Archive):Terraformer

<-- My first real group was Terraformer. I joined them back when sceners communicated via BBS, phone and face-to-face meetings. It was a fun group to belong to mainly because we didn't know what we couldn't do. We had all been amazed by the cool stuff we found on Ryan Cramer's old BBS. We formed up at his insistence (and some beer and his killer Bar-B-Q, that man knows too much about grills) and the rest is history. I went to NAID '96 and we, 3-some and a few other local groups formed the backbone of the mid-atlantic U.S. demoscene for years. We had dozens of local party's in basements and tons of road trips. I lost track of most of that group but I know that some of us went off to do bigger and better things because of the scene. Releases Songs Dual Complex 1st place at NAID '96 32k 3 channel chip compo. Keeamen Tae Caillean Music Contest 2 : Veteran Division placed 27th Aneme Soundtrack to lost Aneme demo Add intro song#1 - Made for unknown advertisement intro Mr. Wordsworth Kanamon Worms - cross groups 20 bubs in a zhweel - cross groups Starlight - s3m is an adlib only tune, mp3 provided Asasa Muaet'al Book Bugu-Bug-Bach Combustible Rain Desert Sands - NAID '96 7th place multi channel compo Doodlin' Electron Gun Jack Disks The Land Unreleased Upon My Soul CLASS 1STADLIB - s3m is an adlib only tune, mp3 provided Unimaginable Power - unentered NAID '96 chip tune Adaptable war design (awd) BADLAND Cheese Land - for unreleased Winter Intro Crescendo Decrescendo DUMB DUMBASS

untergrund.net - Free hosting for the demoscene
All works, stuff etc (c) Mark Sanders 1992-2006 elblanco at untergrund dot net